Wednesday 16 May 2012

Hope is despair in disguise.

I've always been at loggerheads over the idea of hope.
I've tried to embrace it at times and I've shirked it off my shoulder at other instances.

To believe in the contrary, to let your feelings take over to give you a sense of control over the unknown, to coax yourself with the thought of that shining bright light waiting at the end of the dark tunnel you've been trodding on- Is it really necessary to get you through the hard times?

Come to think of it, hope is despair in disguise.

Our fixation with positivity leads us down the road of misconstruing our own thoughts and sugar coating the bitter truths with one too many spoonful of diabetic hope.
It soon turns into a habit. A disease. A coping mechanism with a faulty foundation.

Hope. Belief. Are they the words that get you through the day?

I'd say, be a realist, take the beating, acknowledge the faults, get up and carry yourself forward.
But please don't hope for the best.
Don't let yourself be disillusioned by its sweetness.
Don't forget the bad times. Don't forget the good times. Take it all in.
Just don't raise your own expectations by believing and rooting for the next thing that comes your way to be a cakewalk through Candyland.

Let's not, for once, hope for the best.
What's the point in getting your spirits down?

Let's just be.

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