Thursday 17 May 2012

Reel Guilty.

How do you escape from tough situations?
By escaping into the world of sitcoms.
Before you know it, the situation is even worse and there are no more escape routes left.
You've got to pull yourself out of their world and back into your own world, made heavier with the weight of the unsolved problems.
Along the way, as you savoured in the comfort brought to you by the visual world of stories, you weave your own stories to your loved ones to keep them at bay from knowing what you're really upto. Absolutely nothing.

Liar, liar, your own life's on fire.

If this song doesn't avert a break-up, I don't know what will.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Bono, you know.

All the self initiated Social Media Blockings couldn't keep me from wanting to see a glimpse of his life.
I took to Google search after U2 pointed out how he was even better than the real thing. Oh yes.

Now considering how Google search hardly ever gives the right results when it comes to ordinary people, my heavy heart was prepared to see results that wouldn't take me to him.

U2 is magical.

There he was. The 1st result.
Carrying the title of Event Head alongside the mobile number so deeply carved inside my memory, I wondered how it managed to invoke the next emotion- Surprise.

Surprise followed by sheer joy.
I was happy. I was elated.
I am, still.

To see him succeed in his life makes me tremendously happy.

To be honest, I felt relieved after my facial muscles relaxed in a few minutes.
But the relief had nothing to do with the relaxation of the foolish smile (which was still present, faintly.)

I realised, it's a step. A positive step.
Maybe I'm not so horrible.

My heart is where it's always been.
If only one more time.

Hope is despair in disguise.

I've always been at loggerheads over the idea of hope.
I've tried to embrace it at times and I've shirked it off my shoulder at other instances.

To believe in the contrary, to let your feelings take over to give you a sense of control over the unknown, to coax yourself with the thought of that shining bright light waiting at the end of the dark tunnel you've been trodding on- Is it really necessary to get you through the hard times?

Come to think of it, hope is despair in disguise.

Our fixation with positivity leads us down the road of misconstruing our own thoughts and sugar coating the bitter truths with one too many spoonful of diabetic hope.
It soon turns into a habit. A disease. A coping mechanism with a faulty foundation.

Hope. Belief. Are they the words that get you through the day?

I'd say, be a realist, take the beating, acknowledge the faults, get up and carry yourself forward.
But please don't hope for the best.
Don't let yourself be disillusioned by its sweetness.
Don't forget the bad times. Don't forget the good times. Take it all in.
Just don't raise your own expectations by believing and rooting for the next thing that comes your way to be a cakewalk through Candyland.

Let's not, for once, hope for the best.
What's the point in getting your spirits down?

Let's just be.

Saturday 12 May 2012

A love like that was a serious illness, an illness from which you never entirely recover.
-Charles Bukowski

Thursday 3 May 2012

A song that one can never forget.
Lyrics that quench my heart's long debt.

Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me to get closer to heaven
Than ever feel whole again.

remember how it used to be
when the stars would fill the sky
remember how we used to dream
those nights would never end
those nights would never end

it was the sweetness of your skin
it was the hope of all we might have been
that fills me with the hope to wish
impossible things

but now the sun shines cold
and all the sky is grey
the stars are dimmed by clouds and tears
and all i wish
is gone away
all i wish
is gone away

all i wish
is gone away

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Peyton Elizabeth Sawyer: Yes, losing your heart's desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire? That's all you can hope for. This year I wished for love... to immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. My wish was granted. And if having that is tragic, then give me tragedy. Because I wouldn't give it back for the world.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Words, video and melody.
As good as it can get.