Adam (A clever reworking of the Garden of Eden myth):
Oh to lie upon her
Her nakedness is all
I simply orchestrated
That horizontal fall
And had no wrong intentions
And cared about no tree
I simply lay with her
And she with me
It is all Chinese whispers
It all gets told askew
I simply kissed the lips
That kissed the apple dew
It is believed that God placed a tree in the garden which he prohibited Adam and Eve to eat from. However, a serpent tricked them into eating from it, and they were subsequently expelled from the garden for disobeying God, who visits upon them and their progeny numerous hardships as punishment.
Could Adam have blamed Eve, just like today's man blames his woman for his own faults?
Could that have been the real test which he failed and the reason behind the misery that was brought upon both of them?
What was God really testing?
Poem- 'Adam' by Luke Davies
Excerpt-'It is believed..Punishment.' from Wikipedia
Own thoughts Italicised.