Thursday 29 September 2011

Media has a Profound Influence on the Human Psyche

My mother, who’s a gynaecologist, recently came across a patient who complained of severe kicking by the fetus in her womb. Perplexed, as all investigations reported normal,she started cross questioning the couple. She found out that the patient’s husband was fond of watching wrestling matches on tv and would often ask her to sit with him and watch the same. My mother advised her against this, and she reported after a week with a dramatic relief in the frequency and force of the kicking.

The example which i just gave, only establishes the profound influence that media has on the human psyche, such that, it even affects an unborn human child!

Every day, billions are bombarded by an ever-growing number of in-your -face ads, which tell us what we should have. It suddenly becomes impossible to live without that plasma screen TV and that sleek, shiny new car that promises every luxury.

The result: a stressed out urban adult, at the verge of a burnout.

When was the last time you read a magazine that did not have an article on weight loss? Can’t remember? Even the thin bipasha basu has endorsed sugar free sugar. Does she know the image she’s projecting to thousands of adolescent girls- just use this, and u’ll have the perfectly toned celeb body u dream about. Instead of targeting diabetics and obese ppl, these ads only mislead the masses.

The result is in front of us- a society filled with unsure, insecure teenage girls who are victim of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. The media fails to tackle the problem of obesity delicately, and equates increase in body mass with decrease in self esteem, aggravating psychological problems.
And yet, some people ask if media influences the human psyche?

Of course, it has also proven to be a boon.

It was a powerful tool in facilitating India’s independence movement as it united the masses. Research has found that media exposure influenced masses in afro-Asian countries to bring about economic and political development during their transition from a traditional to a modern society.

Apart from politics, it has also alleviated the standard of living in rural areas, as awareness paves way for development and literacy. And what better example can I give of media promoting literacy in recent times, other than the famous teach India campaign started by the times of India.

Without a doubt, media does have an influence on human psyche. It is important for us, as a society, to regulate the power that media holds and not let it mislead the masses. We also have to be vigilant and prudent, and not believe all that we see and read. We can let the media educate us, and save ourselves and the earth, or we can become paranoid victims .the choice can be ours to make, only if we accept the fact that indeed, media does alter our choices, perceptions and decisions.                                                 

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